Friday, May 25, 2007

So . . .

. . . that's finished. I made it through my differentiation interview, so I am now officially a PhD student! After the meeting, I cycled home (again, through insane traffic--where on earth is everyone going at 3 in the afternoon?) and, since Gwen is working, celebrated alone--first with a wee nap. Is it obvious that I'm now 53 years old? Before lying down I put in a load of cycling clothes to wash and then hung them on the line when I got up. When it seemed like they'd dried all they were going to, with evening coming on, I brought them in and no sooner got them arranged on the drying rack than the skies opened and we got a gully-washer of a shower that lasted about 15 minutes. Now the sun's shining again and life goes on as before. Timing's everything, right?


Blogger Ale said...

Birthday greetings and congratulations! Much to be celebrated!

12:10 PM  

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