Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Time flies

There - I finally did it! You know how you put things on your list to do and keep putting off doing them? We wanted to work on our blog but there has been so many things to do and the further behind we got the less appealing the job became. We had 6 sets on Canadian company in one month and have been enjoying life as tour guides and B&B hosts. I'm not sure how we can write all the fun things we have done but I think that I'll tell you about our most recent outing - the floral fair at Lambeg Parish Church. It was a 4 day event and the floral displays were based on spiritual themes - amazing arrangements of orchids, roses, exotic flowers and every kind of flower you could imagine. They were masterpieces - some 6-7 feet high and just as wide. We have certainly enjoyed a year of constant flowers - I don't think that there has been a time this year that I haven't had fresh flowers in our house. Those are the joys of living in a more temperate climate.


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