Sunday, February 18, 2007

International adventures

This last week in Northern Ireland has been full of times spent visiting with friends around a table. Last Saturday we had Spanish food at friends' from Barcelona and then went out to the Lagan Valley Civic Centre to hear an Irish harpist and a great Northern Ireland band. The next day we had friends who are German and Korean over to our place for Sunday dinner. That evening we went out for supper to the home of a couple from the church and learned lots about Northern Ireland history and the Presbyterian church. On Thursday a young mom who has a three-month-old son was over - I babysat while she ran some errands then we had lunch and made some Cinnamon buns then when and walked around the lake at Hillsborough Castle. The young mom was born and raised in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. On Friday I spent the day with a lady from South America and my Spanish friend and her two young sons - we had pizza together at our place. That evening we were invited to the Minister's home along with the assistant minister and her husband. We had fun laughing and sharing stories but we didn't get home till late and I had to get up early to work a 12-hour shift at Parkside. I suggested that we should have people over for Chinese New Year today but Randy thought that a quiet day at home was in order. We had homemade Chinese food for two - but we can't find green tea here. If my family read this posting they will just laugh because they always tease me that I am always talking about food. Food may not be everything but sitting around a table is a very pleasant way to get to know people. Looking forward to friends from Canada coming over!


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